Random hammer impacts create an unpredictable pattern, giving the veneer an seasoned look.
These panels are pre-sanded as standard with 120 grit. The panels require further sanding after which you can apply a creative finish or use them in their natural beauty after applying an oil or lacquer.
A brushed surface does justice to the natural wood structure.
Brushed type B1
Brushed type B2only possible on top layer >= 1 mm
always on both sides
Brushed type B3only possible on top layer >= 1 mm
Creates authenticity by applying unique patterns to the surface.
Decospan can create band saw effects on the surface using a patented procedure. These 5 patterns can be applied to all thicknessses but the depth depends on the veneer thickness. By scratching the veneer the surface gets a rough sawn structure and gives the panel a solid look.
Scratched type S1with the exception of Oak Smoked 0,6 mm
Scratched type S2only possible on top layer >= 1 mm
Scratched type S3only possible on top layer >= 1 mm
Scratched type S4only possible on top layer >= 1 mm
Scratched type S5with the exception of Oak Smoked 0,6 mm
Random hammer impacts create an unpredictable pattern, giving the veneer an seasoned look.
Distressed type D1only possible with Oak Vintage