Oak Vintage

Respected, repurposed & upcycled

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Oak Vintage

Respected, repurposed & upcycled

Vintage tells a story of quality, respect and craftsmanship, offering every interior an individual and seasoned look, characteristic for both client and interior designer’s sophisticated tastes.

Vintage Retro

For Oak Vintage Retro, characterful veneers with typical knots and spots, of which some open, are spliced and processed into striking panels. Available only in 0,6mm veneers.

Oak Vintage Retro Hoboken

Each panel is unique. Check out some of these references and discover their uniqueness.

Oak Vintage Retro Harlem

Each panel is unique. Check out some of these references and discover their uniqueness.

Oak Vintage Retro Baltimore

Each panel is unique. Check out some of these references and discover their uniqueness.

Vintage Original

For Oak Vintage Original only genuine old oak beams which have been used in various constructions for many decades are now processed into veneer with a rich past and warm look. The pronounced characteristics and open joints are inherent in this product. Available in 1mm and 1,5mm veneers.

Oak Vintage Original Hoboken

Each panel is unique. Check out some of these references and discover their uniqueness.

Oak Vintage Original Harlem

Each panel is unique. Check out some of these references and discover their uniqueness.

Oak Vintage Original Baltimore

Each panel is unique. Check out some of these references and discover their uniqueness.

Vintage Intense

For Oak Vintage Intense, real old oak is processed under high pressure to add to bring an exceptionally pronounced relief to the surface. The plates thus get a strongly weathered look and feel. Only available with toplayers of 3,5mm.

Oak Vintage Intense Hoboken

Each panel is unique. Check out some of these references and discover their uniqueness.

Oak Vintage Intense Harlem

Each panel is unique. Check out some of these references and discover their uniqueness.

Oak Vintage Intense Baltimore

Each panel is unique. Check out some of these references and discover their uniqueness.

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